New Song! "Yell With Me" Out Now


Purple Hearted E​.​P. 1
Aroyn Day

Damned you if you do
Damned you if you don't anymore
Left me black and blue
Cage me make me bleed
Taze me I don't feel anything
Surreal and so Obscene...
I'm Blue!

I feel, I feel, I feel, PROFILED! PROFILED!
I feel, I, feel, I'm feeling like I'm PROFILED! PROFILED PROFILED!

Watch them cross the street
See how fast they call the police?!?!
Judged but never seen
Damned you if you do
Damned you if you don't anymore
Left me black and blue
Im Blue!

I feel, I feel, I feel, PROFILED! PROFILED!
I feel, I, feel, I'm feeling like I'm PROFILED! PROFILED PROFILED!

from Purple Hearted E​.​P. 1, released November 5, 2021
All instruments Vox and recording- Aroyn Day

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